A Pharmacist’s Guide to

Implementing Technician

Product Verification

A 6.5-hour advanced training to successfully implement Technician Product Verification.

Follow a step-by-step process to implement Technician Product Verification in your pharmacy practice

Advanced Your Practice

  • Advance your pharmacy technicians’ roles
  • Build critical thinking skills in your technicians as a valuable member of the team
  • Free up pharmacist time for direct patient care services
  • Prevent medication errors
  • Implement this best practice
  • Help technicians earn a TPV Badge through course checklists and study tips

Meet Your Expert Faculty

Anthony Pudlo, PharmD, MBA, BCACP
Brett Barker, PharmD
Kelly Kent, PharmD, RPh, BCPS
Micaela Maeyart, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP
Donna Horn, MS, RPh, DPh
Michael Andreski, BSPh, MBA, PhD
Heidi Eukel, PharmD4   

CE for Pharmacists

Technician Product Verification is an important workflow to advance pharmacy practice. Improve patient care, staff morale, and the bottom-line.

The 7 modules (6.50 hours) in this course assist pharmacists in implementing Technician Product Verification in their pharmacy by providing some of the same coursework that is available in the Technician Product Verification Certificate Course for Pharmacy Technicians.

Describe opportunities for technicians in the provision of pharmacy services, such as medication reconciliation, telepharmacy, and technician product verification
Implement steps to prepare and implement a TPV program
Review regulations for a pharmacy to utilize technician product verification
Review medication errors and near miss case scenario(s) to identify system breakdowns that contribute to errors
Initiate a risk assessment process to identify medication safety improvements
Discuss the concept of workflow re-engineering
Describe how to perform a workflow analysis
Discuss the steps involved in workflow redesign
Define critical thinking in the context of pharmacy technician product verification

CE Information:

Course Details