Q: What is something that is no one’s responsibility, and at the same time everyone’s responsibility?
A: Social Determinants of Health
I recently heard a colleague say this and it struck me as a powerful statement.
- If a patient is lonely, whose responsibility is it?
- If a patient doesn’t have transportation to a doctor’s appointment, whose responsibility is it?
- If a patient can’t afford nutritious food or their medications, whose responsibility is it?
Social determinants of health are defined as the non-medical factors that influence health outcomes, and yet no one on the healthcare team bears responsibility for them.
The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) is working to change that.
CMS recently released the Health Equity Index Reward that will take effect for the 2027 Star Ratings.
While that may seem far away, it’s important today because the 2027 Star Ratings measure performance in 2024 and 2025.
What we do today affects our future payment.
The Joint Commission also established standards in 2023 that require hospitals to address health care disparities for every patient, so this issue spans all of the pharmacy landscape.
Next week we’re providing a live CE panel discussion on the Health Equity Index.
It is critical that we make it OUR responsibility to address social determinants of health.
As always, have a great week and keep learning!